
1. Introduction

1.1. Overview is a SaaS ("software as a service") designed to simplify the process of creating and maintaining technical manuals, user guides and other structured documentation.

Unlike traditional content management systems, data is structured in sections, which can be nested to any number of levels, rather than pages.

1.2. Advantages over conventional documentation

  • up-to-date - user always sees the latest published information unless paper or PDFs and Word docs, where users can retain old versions and may be unaware of updates
  • simplicity - the system takes care of the numbering and formatting, so users can concentrate on the content
  • speed - small edits can be made and published in seconds
  • multi-user - teams can work simultaneously from multiple locations, with source-control style permissions stopping users from overwriting each others' work
  • usability - direct web links to any heading at any level, layout reformats for optimum usage on mobile and tablet device


1.3. Basic concept draws its basic concept from source-control - a system familiar to computer programmers which allows teams of programmers to work simultaneously on large development projects without overwriting each others work.

There are two areas of content - 'draft', which is the working content that authors make changes to, and 'published', which is the live version that the public actually sees.

The process of publishing essentially copies any changes made to the draft version over to the live public version.

1.4. Cost

At present, is free. In future, we will add additional features which will be available under paid plans too.


@4. Multiple users and permissions‍ 


@1.1. Overview‍ 

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